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Single Use Plastic Ban 2021

The single plastics ban is coming into effect {INSERT DATE}

The main items that are being phased out are...
  • Lightweight plastic bags (Already banned back in 2018 in QLD and 2019 in VIC & WA)
  • Plastic misleadingly labelled as "degradable (This is explained in the video below).
  • Plastic utensils,stirreres and straws
  •  Polystyrene food containers and consumer goods packaging
  • Microbeads in personal care products

In the video below, we break down the ban, what it means for business and everyday people alike and the potential fines you can face.

Is everyone effected?

Under the new law there are some industries that are exempt from the ban...
  • Clinics or facilities that provide care to people with a disability or healthcare needs.
  • Hospitals
  • Dental, medical, and aged care facilities
  • Pharmacies
  • Medical suppliers

Why? (By The Numbers)

Australia produces 2.5M tonnes of plastic waste each year (or the equivlaent weight of 1,346,257 average cars) of which approxiamtely 84% is sent to landfill and 130,000 tonnes (another 70,005 cars) of plastic waste leaks into the environment annually.

The severe impact of plastic on the environment means action is needed, and that action has come in the form of banning single use plastics!

"The National Plastics Plan"

In March 2021 the federal government launched the National Plastics Plan with the aim to "reduce plastic waste and increase recycling rates". Essentially to reduce the amount of small plastic items that are going into the Austrlian ecosystem and tips, and encourage the use of more envrionementally friednly biodegradable options.


Peanlty Units and Fines

Queensland uses a penalty unit system to work out fines.

The fine is calculated by multiplying the value of 1 penalty unit by the number of penalty unitsset for the indescrtion committed. The value of a penalty unit is is $137.85 in Queensland (as of  1st July 2021) so if you didn't obey the rules and it carried the weight of 40 penalty units you would be looking at a fine of $5,514.


The Items Banned

  • Single use plastic straws
  • Single use plastic stirrers
  • Single use plastic plates and bowls
  • Single use plastic cutlery
  • Singlue use expanded polystyrene takeaway food containers and cups.

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Are Any Companies or Sectors Exempt?

  • Hospitals
  • Medical and dental clinics
  • Pharmacies
  • Aged care facilities
  • Medical suppliers
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